July 11, 2017

Use Email Marketing to Create the One-on-One Relationships with your customers.

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Picture of Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins

CEO - Shout Agency
[email protected]


With marketing and advertising overwhelming consumers today, it is important that you find an edge. One of the ways to do this is through personalised email marketing campaigns that leverage data and new technologies.

To create a personalised campaign, you need to ask what your customers really want?

What customers really want from you is one-on-one interactions and a lasting relationship with the brand.

Brands can now leverage new technologies to enable these relationships. Personalising the interaction fosters stronger and longer-lasting relationships. You need to include personalised email marketing into your overall strategy.

Personalisation leads to meaningful relationships

Email marketing is a popular and effective means for communicating with customers to build a meaningful relationship. Unfortunately, many marketers still do not take advantage of its full potential.

It is important to acknowledge that the product alone shouldn’t provide the customer with value. The brand’s personality and interaction with the customer need to help foster a deeper relationship and connection to the brand.

Personalisation should go over and above simply using the customer’s first name in email communications. Add value to the entire experience using relevant and personalised messages based on the customers with whom you are building a relationship.

Amazon is the leading example of how to personalise your email marketing campaign. They use buyers previous purchases and shopping habits to send individualised messages to their customers.

They rarely blanket their customers in mass emails. Instead, they know the best way to increase sales is to send meaningful emails that customers want.

Reaching the right inbox with data integration

Assessing how different customers interact with your brand can be the greatest challenge you face when trying to improve your email campaigns. That is because data collection today has improved vastly over the past few years.

A study by Econsultancy revealed that 33% of marketers claim their data collection, as well as its analysis, is an indispensable technological tool to help understand their customers.

A lot of this data collection started with social media. Social media taught marketers the importance of vast data collection tools at their disposal online.

The revolution we are seeing now in data collection grows more and more important every year as additional marketers seek more information to obtain new customers.

If you plan to secure, retain and adequately serve customers in today’s digital age, you need to leverage data to provide rich, contextual experiences for your customers through your email campaigns.

Marketers have greater needs to manage their data to better understand their customers and personalise their correspondence with customers. At the end of the day, additional data gives your brand the competitive edge that could push you ahead of your competitors.

Maximise customer experiences with the right technology

As a marketer, it is your job to enhance the value of interaction with your customers. This can be accomplished through personalised email marketing.

This will require a process of analyzing and selecting the appropriate technologies. Whether you purchase a solution that is readily available or build your own custom solution, you need one that fits your brand and business. Many companies are opting for a hybrid solution that combines third-party solutions with their own in-house developments to accurately analyze the data.

This approach helps to avoid the consideration of ‘buying versus building’. It also allows you to use your own data and develop solutions in conjunction with already-existing advanced solutions to perfect your own diverse customer-centered solutions.

In addition, this approach can assist you in accelerating customer engagement, provide you with a deeper understanding of your customer, and grow your market.

Combining effective engagement strategies with the right technological tools is a great investment for your business in terms of one-on-one email marketing.

Although every company has different needs and requirements, it is important for the IT and marketing departments combine their resources to customise and integrate data and tools.

Final Thoughts

The right email marketing tool will accelerate your campaigns effectiveness, and provide you the freedom to customise various aspects.

When you can improve the campaign, you can then combine the company’s unique data, and ideas to produce long-term, meaningful and enduring relationships with your customers, through email marketing.

If you are not sure how to optimise your email marketing campaigns to improve the one-on-one relationships with your customers, then give us a Shout. We can provide you with a free consultation session to help you improve your email marketing campaigns.


Book a free 45 minute consultation today.

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      As Founder and Director of Shout Web Strategy, Michael Jenkins is at the forefront of digital marketing. Since it’s inception in 2009, Shout has built a strong reputation as one of Australia’s leading strategic SEO agencies, assisting online businesses to formulate, implement and track successful marketing strategies. Michael is a respected thought leader and digital strategist, specialising in online strategy, corporate SEO, Google retargeting, email and conversion rate optimisation, and online reputation management. Follow Michael on Google+, connect with him through LinkedIn or visit the Shout Web Strategy website.

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