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Case Study
Sam Wood

Helping a fitness program generate impressive figures online.

We helped 28 by Sam Wood grow 5x organic revenue

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By doing the hard work, we could compete against bigger players

Cost per acquisition
Membership Sign Ups
Return on Ad Spend
Increase in organic growth

The Brand is the Brand

Leveraging the latent power in Sam’s personal brand to compele against the faceless big brands

“Shout showed us it’s not about how big you are, it’s how smart you do things." Sam Wood


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28 By Sam Wood is an online fitness program. Sam wanted to scale up memberships on his SaaS Platform. The weight loss industry is highly competitive, with many competitors with large international brands. And significant digital infrastructure. The challenge was initially reach, then conversion and finally retention and increasing lifetime value. Shout was part of each stage, providing a fluid solution from startup, all the way through the growth cycle to over 15,000 online members.


Shout developed an integrated search strategy. Working closely with Google, Shout developed a rapid scale up model and forecasted growth on each channel with a guaranteed x-chart to provide dependable and transparent growth plans.

28 By Sam Wood now dominate the most competitive and lucrative terms in the weight loss market
Weight Loss Programs
Fitness Plans
Diet Plans
Fitness Programs
At Home Fitness Programs

Imagine how guaranteed sales would change your marketing strategy.

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