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Case Study

Opening up online possibilities for Australasia’s biggest reseller.

We helped Repco grow 5x organic revenue

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Positioning the site for future growth.

Increase in Category Rankings
Revenue Growth
Online Transaction
Increase in organic sessions
Increase in local in-store conversions

Boosted Keywords

By boosting keywords across key performing categories traffic was increased

“Shout has been an energetic and responsive partner, helping us establish a healthy, profitable presence online.” Repco

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Competitors such as Super Cheap, were miles ahead of Repco in organic search. And with 400 stores across Australia and New Zealand, Repco wanted to make up serious ground and scale up
organic search quickly.


Working with the CIO, CMO, internal and external web developments teams, Shout worked from the infancy of the project developing search analysis, market opportunity size, forecasting traffic and revenue, reviewing wire frames, designed and developing content strategies and development through a large and lengthy site build. Post-launch, the goal was to lift organic revenue from 50,000 sessions to 1m sessions within one year of launch.

Shout helped scale organic traffic with 50,000 monthly sessions, to 1.8 million monthly sessions within one year of launch. And developed content, and product optimisation strategies to keep the needle moving up. And up, and up.
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Car Globes

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