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Case Study
Peter Stevens

Helping a leading retailer ride a new wave of eCommerce success.

We helped Peter Stevens grow 5x organic revenue

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Fine-tuning an online sales engine for more effective lead conversions.

Increase in organic growth
Revenue Growth
Return on Ad Spend
In store visits
up 300%

Driving Traffic In-store

Riders search online but buy instore. Driving purchasers to salespeople lifted conversions significantly. Shout helped us develop a truly omni-channel strategy.

“We had a very ambitious plan. Shout not only got onboard, they maintained their enthusiasm throughout the entire campaign.” Peter Stevens

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Peter Stevens is a privately owned retailer of Motor Cycles, riding gear and water crafts. A strong bricks and mortar retailer they came to Shout with an ambitious strategic growth plan. To support their new enterprise ecommerce platform Shout! was asked to help develop and execute a digital marketing strategy to deliver increased online sales and in-store lead generation while maintaining margin.


Shout helped reduce an over-reliance on traffic and lead generation from by developing an SEO and SEM campaign. This increased lead generation and helped underpin a new eCommerce strategy to boost revenue – creating a whole new profit centre.

Motorcycle gear 
Motorcycle parts 

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