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Case Study
Keep Up

Our strategy and campaign filled their Keep Cup.

Keep Cup's Ecommerce revenue grew 3x

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B2B and D2C customers in Australia and the USA were lapping up our campaigns.

Organic Search Growth
Ecommerce Growth

Tapping into the global movement towards sustainability heavily influenced our keyword strategy.

“Shout helped us build sales through the site and also generate B2B ecommerce leads for co-branding opportunities. They also particularly help break us into UK and USA marketing through an effective search strategy “

Abigail Forsyth - Founder

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Keep Cup built a phenomenal B2B and D2C strategy via cafes and co branding. But needed to grow usage of their highly interactive design your own cup customisation tool among their corporate and direct clients.


Shout developed a B2B and D2C campaign in Australia and USA to boost site traffic and to help the brand attract more “eco” and “sustainability” keyword searches. Our strategy in both regions significantly gained market exposure, leads and ecommerce sales.

Organic Search Growth
Ecommerce Growth

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