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Case Study

How a five star hotel proved digital retail was a luxury they could afford

We helped Jacakalope grow accommodation sales

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A clever retail strategy helped Jackalope ride the holiday-at-home wave

Increase in accommodation bookings
Increase in food and beverage sales
Decrease in costs per lead

More bookings for less

Raising awareness and interest helped Jackalope enjoy more sales at a reduced price per sale

“The Shout team helped us understand how luxury and retail can join forces in an elegant way"

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Jackalope is a luxury hotel on the Mornington Peninsula with a very solid reputation in the hospitality industry. The venue and location is stunning. And the experience of Jakalope is envied by many. The problem was awareness. They wanted to reach a wider tourism audience, and be able to increase vacancy rates for the accomodation, and deliver growth in food and beverage by bringing more people to the wine cellar and restaurants.


Shout produced an organic search, paid search, YouTube and content marketing strategy to be able to increase reach and frequency.”

In a strongly competitive market, with a conservative spend, Jackalope has managed to stay competitive with much bigger players
Luxury Hotels Mornington Peninsula

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