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Case Study
Arnold Thomas Becker

Smart digital helped a boutique law firm soar with the legal eagles

We helped Arnold Thomas & Becker grow 2x acquisition

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A website redesign program gave us the opportunity to re-energise their search efforts

Cost per lead
Improved Acquisition Through Search
Search Ranking: Workers Comp Lawyer
Search Ranking: Personal Injust

Smarter digital marketing

Smarter digital thinking heled Arnold Thomas & Becker compete against much larger firms, for less

“Michael and the team at Shout have helped us stay visible where we need to be seen"

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The legal industry has fierce competition. Large budgets. High value cases. In a No Win No Fee marketplace. Over recent years the rise in digital marketing has led to rising cost per clicks in the industry. Arnold Thomas & Becker were not seeing a great return on search and not competing with larger firms.


Shout rebuilt the search strategy from scratch and improved conversion rate optimisation through a website refresh program.

Workers Compensation Lawyers
Workers Comp Lawyer
TAC Lawyers
Personal Injury lawyers
Personal Injury Lawyers Melbourne

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