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Case Study
Active Utilities

When a utilities company needs to build a pipeline for new business

We Helped Active Utilities Grow B2B leads by 14x

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A website audit, site map and content structure helped drive qualified leads

B2B Leads
Return on SEO spend

Build it, they will come

With and understanding of the right search terms we took Active Utilities to the next level.

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AU needed to increase the number of lucrative leads from multi-level developments and commercial buildings. They also needed a way of managing their reviews, both good and bad.


We developed an enterprise SEO and content marketing strategy, including an audit of their current website structure, site map and content structure. We also sifted through all their reviews and developed a branded keyword strategy to clean up and protect the brands online reputation by featuring only the reviews we wanted to world to see.

B2B Leads
Return on SEO Spend

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